This is a five days course covering the important features of the ILS fundamentals. The student will work through a number of training exercises from the theory manual and a number of selected practical cases. The course is designed for those who have been working within the aeronautical services for some time, having a reasonable knowledge in radio technical systems. After this course the student will have a good understanding of how the ILS works, and is ready to receive the On-the-Job training required to perform independent preventive maintenance work on ILS systems.
The ILS Fundamentals course is based on EU Regulation 2017/373 minimum requirements, and covers three out of five taxonomy levels. This is how the regulation describes the three levels of knowledge and understanding, all of them covered in the course:
Level 1 — Basic knowledge of the subject. It is the ability to remember essential points, to memorise data, and retrieve it.
Level 2 — The ability to understand and to discuss the subject matter intelligently in order to represent and act upon certain objects and events.
Level 3 — Thorough knowledge of the subject and the ability to apply it with accuracy. The ability to make use of the repertoire of knowledge to develop plans and activate them.
Level 4 and 5 is covered in the Advanced ILS course.

ISBN-13: 978-1979199247.
See more at the Book Finder .
The content of the ILS Fundamentals course:
Day 1:
Overview of NAVAIDS systems.
Chapter 1: Introduction to ILS, Runway System and Categories
Chapter 2: Localiser Basic Principles with Block Diagrams
Chapter 3: Glide Path Basic Principles with Block Diagrams
Day 2:
Chapter 4: ILS Modulation Theory and Generation of CSB and SBO
Chapter 5: Summing SBO and CSB Calculating DDM and CDI. Exercises
Chapter 6: The Airborne Equipment and Operational Use of ILS
Chapter 7: Antenna pair – in phase and out of phase
Day 3:
Chapter 8: Localiser antenna theory and radiation patterns. BBP
Chapter 9: Localiser Single and Dual Frequency Systems.
Chapter 10: ICAO Specifications for Localiser with exercises
Chapter 11: Monitoring of the Localiser system
Chapter 12: Glide Path antenna theory and radiation patterns
Day 4:
Chapter 13: Null Reference, Sideband Reference and M-ARRAY/CEGS
Chapter 14: ICAO Specifications for Glide Path. Exercises
Chapter 15: Monitoring of Glide Path. Near Field study. Exercises
Day 5:
Chapter 16: Flight Inspection and maintaining the ICAO specifications
Chapter 17: Simplified and complex Bend Analysis. Exercises
Chapter 18: ILS Maintenance and Ground Measurements
Final test
Basic understanding of mathematics, trigonometry, and radio systems.
Course Material
Students will need to bring a scientific calculator to use during the exercises. For classroom courses pens and notebooks will be provided.
Students will each receive a copy of the comprehensive ILS reference manual ‘ILS Fundamentals’ 8th Edition by Roger Holm. (300 pages).
Certificates will be awarded to successful candidates.