The JAVA version
The JAVA version is 1000 times faster than the DOS version and is very easy to install and run on modern computers.
Download JAVA standard edition at Oracle: https://www.java.com/en/
Download datasheet for AXIS330J.

The Control Panel
On this panel all physical and electrical settings may be changed. The following figures display what the theoretical effect will be.
The menu for selecting nine modes

The Lateral trace

The Lateral trace makes a horizontal scan at a constant distance and height.

The Vertical trace

The Vertical trace makes a vertical scan above the ground at a given distance in front of the glide path mast.

The Window overview

The Window mode draws the lines for a fixed set of CDI (or ddm) on a transprent “window” across the approach sector at a constant distance from the glide path mast.

The Approach mode

The Approach mode makes a “Fly down” from a desired range to a point above the runway abeam the glide path mast.

Above the bend pattern caused by the reflection objects below. (G) is a truncated ground plane and (T) a hill or “top” in front of the glide path mast.

The Fixed position

The Fixed Position computes the effect of one given feed error in the antenna system or transmitter unit. Two points can compared, like the far field and the monitor position when a given error is applied within limits.

The ground current mode

The ground current in front of the glide path mast shows to what degree the ground is used for reflecting the signal. Above shows SBO in front of an M-ARRAY, and below a 3D picture of CSB current.

Bend analysis

For testing the function a point has been generated 800m in front of the glide path mast. The resulting bend lengths at three chosen distances was calculated, and converted to three hyperbolic curves projected on the ground below. Their intersections point out the probable position of the reflection object.

To make analyze bends from flight inspection curves select two or more bends with their lengths and corresponding distances from the glide path mast. The sample below shows measuring a “half bend”. Multiply that value by two for entering the full bend length at that distance (here nautical miles).

For complex curves where few periodic bends are found, an advanced module is needed where a digized curve must be used as input. A later release of AXIS will contain this module.
The sensitive Area

This module computes the limit line for disturbances along the approach path caused by a taxing aircraft near the glide path mast.

We will be happy to give you a one week training course covering both AXIS110J and AXIS330J. Under Training you will find either Advanced ILS Course or AXIS User Course at your discretion.
End of AXIS 330 JAVA presentation